Monday, January 18, 2010

Exercise 1

In terms of the readings, a collection can be anything found to be important to a person. These collections are often compiled out of curiosity, ones insatiable urge to seek knowledge, pure aesthetic appeal, or even just to show off.

Reading 1 collections:
-Animal specimens
-Egyptian Idols/Relics
-Greek works of art
-Unicorn Horns
-Gem Stones
-Garments (asbestos: flame retardant)
-Miscellaneous rare artifacts

Reading 2 collections:
-10 whole bodies
-144 heads
-306 arms and legs
-Thousands of bones
-Body parts and secondary relics
-Fragments of the true cross and the crown of thorns
-Suits of armor worn by famous men, and their portraits
-Bezoars (stomach stones from goats)

Reading 3 collections:
-Cheezit boxes
-Old dictionaries
-Skeleton keys
-Airmail envelopes
-Smooth pebbles
-Library card from a felon
-Family snapshots of unknown people
-Business-cards of business card printers
-Cigar ribbons
-Tuna fish labels
-Place stamp here squares

Reading 4 Collections:
-Stuffed animals


We found it interesting that;
- Dragons are real?
- people collect anything and everything, from weird to rare/expensive.. from bizarre to disgusting
- people use their collections as encyclopedias to their world
- time and resources must be dedicated in order to collect successfully.
- people can legally collect bodies?
- people collect as a philosophical process or to find meaning in the world
- does the value of a collection have actual or merely perceived value to a person?
- collections can often be early efforts to cope with loss or isolation.
- creative organization of information brings new information in the population's generation for the nation, of the Haitians who have experienced segregation. Space station... seriously. word.
- it's a process of simplification not complication.


People collect to;

- cope with loss/isolation
- fulfill childhood desires
- to show off
- display purposes
- real/perceived value
- encyclopedia of a life
- research
- too much free time
- too much money
- necessity
- curiosity
- pleasure
- preservation

Our collections;

- Jones soda bottles/ various beer/glass bottles
- pens
- coins
- movies
- hard drives
- design blog bookmarks
- quotes
- toy memorabilia
- books
- music
- type
- good design
- old school metal lunch boxes
- sport memorabilia
- pig things
- china/plates
- comics
- music related memorabilia
- photos
- bikes
- dogs
- paper

We collect because it makes us who we are. We like to look at pretty things, things that make us happy, things that inspire us, and things that remind us of the past/good times/present and give us a glimpse of the future.

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